The Triennial Operation Plan
As for the first version of the Convergence Plan (2005-2014), the Convergence Plan 2 must also be the subject of a operational declination of its axs of interventions, through the development of the plans of operations periodicals. It will formulate the main actions to conduct at the subregional level to contribute to the achievement of the expected results of the Convergence Plan 2, and thus contribute to the achievement of operational objectives and strategic objectives such as formulated in the PC 2. This operational declination should inter alia specify by types of activities, responsibilities, timelines, budgets and the conditions of success.
It will: (i) to equip the COMIFAC of a document in the plan of operations of the Convergence Plan 2 specifying for each action formulated: the responsible, the deadlines in the short and medium terms, costs of achievement required, the partners staff or potential for support and the conditions of success is proposed; (ii) to establish an assessment of the costs of the activities of the POPC; and (iii) to formulate guidelines for the development of planning frameworks/national programming for the countries do with not.