Schéma du flux d'information du système de suivi évaluation de la COMIFAC

The Executive Secretariat has developed a number of tools for the monitoring of its activities and those of the partners that contribute to the implementation of the Convergence Plan. It is including a dashboard on the monitoring of the implementation of the Convergence Plan, a Gantt chart of monitoring of the activities of the annual work plans of the Executive…

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The Convergence Plan sub-regional provides strategic direction in favor of the conservation and the sustainable management of forest ecosystems in central Africa. In order to ensure the coordination of the implementation of these actions, the COMIFAC is equipped with a body of execution, the Executive Secretariat which has the mandate to ensure the coordination of the implementation of the activities…

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As for the first version of the Convergence Plan (2005-2014), the Convergence Plan 2 must also be the subject of a operational declination of its axs of interventions, through the development of the plans of operations periodicals. It will formulate the main actions to conduct at the subregional level to contribute to the achievement of the expected results of the…

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Priority Axis of Intervention 1: Harmonization of Forest and Environmental Policies This axis has the objective to strengthen the governance public forest through, among others: (i) for the implementation of the coherence of policies and forest laws; (ii) the consolidation of the forest law enforcement; (iii) the promotion of governance and the Rationalization of trade (FLEGT); and (iv) the strengthening…

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Given that the framework of reference of the COMIFAC is the convergence plan, it is important that all the initiatives led by the COMIFAC, including those related to climate change and the process REDD particularly, fit in the said Plan. However, it was noted that the Convergence Plan adopted in February 2005 does not explicitly these issues. To this effect,…

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Plan de convergence 2015 2025 fr BR Page 01

The Commission of the Forests of Central Africa (COMIFAC) is equipped with a convergence plan sub-regional level which is the reference framework and coordination of all the interventions in the field of conservation and sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa. It also contributes to the strengthening of the actions undertaken by the Member States of the COMIFAC and…

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Le Plan de convergence sous-régional 2 pour la conservation et la gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique Centrale validé en juillet 2014 requiert pour sa mise en œuvre la collaboration et le partenariat avec toutes les parties prenantes pour une meilleure coordination des interventions dans le secteur forêts et environnement en Afrique Centrale. Ces interventions contribuent en effet à la…

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Le Plan de convergence sous-régional 2 pour la conservation et la gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique Centrale validé en juillet 2014 requiert pour sa mise en œuvre la collaboration et le partenariat avec toutes les parties prenantes pour une meilleure coordination des interventions dans le secteur forêts et environnement en Afrique Centrale. Ces interventions contribuent en effet à la…

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